
Review of "Homemade Body Scrubs: 52 All Natural, Simple & Easy To Make Body Scrubs, Face Masks, Lip Balms & Body Washes Book: Amazing DIY Organic & Healing ... The Signs Of Aging (All Natural Series)"

 "Homemade Body Scrubs" by an unnamed author promises a wealth of natural, DIY beauty solutions aimed at skincare enthusiasts and anyone interested in reducing the signs of aging through organic methods. The book offers 52 different recipes for body scrubs, face masks, lip balms, and body washes, all designed to be simple and easy to make at home. Here’s a closer look at what this book delivers and how well it lives up to its promises.

Content and Structure

The book is well-organized, with each recipe clearly outlined, making it easy for readers to follow. The 52 recipes cover a broad range of beauty treatments, providing plenty of options for different skin types and needs. Each recipe includes a list of natural ingredients and step-by-step instructions, which are straightforward and user-friendly.


  1. Diversity of Recipes: One of the standout features is the variety of recipes offered. Whether you are looking for a moisturizing body scrub, a rejuvenating face mask, or a soothing lip balm, this book has something for everyone. The diversity ensures that readers can find recipes that suit their specific skin type and concerns.

  2. Simplicity and Accessibility: The author emphasizes the use of simple, natural ingredients that are easy to find in local stores or online. This accessibility makes it easy for beginners to dive into DIY beauty treatments without feeling overwhelmed.

  3. Health and Safety: The focus on all-natural ingredients is a major plus for those concerned about the chemicals found in many commercial beauty products. The recipes are designed to be gentle on the skin, making them suitable for people with sensitive skin or allergies.

Areas for Improvement

  1. Lack of Author Credentials: One notable absence is information about the author’s background or expertise in skincare or natural remedies. Including this would add credibility and reassure readers of the effectiveness and safety of the recipes.

  2. Visuals: While the instructions are clear, the book could benefit from more visuals. Photographs or illustrations of the finished products and the process steps would enhance the reader’s experience and serve as a helpful guide.

  3. Additional Tips: Including more tips on how to store the homemade products, their shelf life, and troubleshooting common issues would be useful. This would help readers maximize the benefits and longevity of their DIY creations.


Overall, "Homemade Body Scrubs: 52 All Natural, Simple & Easy To Make Body Scrubs, Face Masks, Lip Balms & Body Washes Book" is a valuable resource for anyone interested in making their own skincare products using natural ingredients. Its simplicity, variety, and focus on health make it a worthwhile addition to any beauty enthusiast’s collection. Despite some areas that could be enhanced with more detailed visuals and author credentials, the book stands out as a practical guide for those seeking to incorporate natural beauty remedies into their daily routine.

For more information and to purchase the book, you can visit Amazon.
